Thursday, October 29, 2009

Busy girl

I was a busy busy bee today. Tank is out of town so I have been meeting with more families than usual and have had to be the one to approve all the cremations before they leave our facility to be cremated. Jane is also out of town, but I've been to busy with other stuff to do the embalmings today so I called in a part-timer to come do them for us. Actually, I am kinda glad I didn't have to embalm today, it's been getting cooler and I am one of those people that's constantly cold anyway, so I just freeze in the prep room.

J checked on me last night and I told her that I was really hurt and sad, but that I would be here whenever she sorted all her stuff out. It was wonderful to hear the relief in her voice, I think she has been worried that I would hate her, and today she texted to let me know how much better today has been for her compared with this last week. It just might mean progress, folks.

One thing I wondered: Is there anything you want to know about my job? If not that's fine, I'll keep posting the happenings, but if there's something you wonder you can ask and if I know the answer I will tell you.


  1. redlecar is the verification and it totally made me forget what I was going to ask.

  2. I have a million questions, some are quite graphic. How much do you want/can you tell?

  3. How about this: You ask, and if I cant tell you (unlikely) I won't.

  4. ...besides, she can always make something up ;-)

  5. OK...Do the bodies ever move or twitch or make noise (groans, etc.)? Do you really put a plug in the rectum to stop "leakage"? Do you really sew the eyes closed and/or wire the jaw closed? Do the muscles relax when you pass and you poo and pee? Ummmm...I'm sure I have more, but that all for this installment. Maybe you should post a "question of the day"?? Thanks.
